Weekly Discover Keywords: App Store Japan [Oct 2023: Week 1]
Discover Section
The Discover section can be found on the Search menu of the App Store. These keywords are the initial keywords users see when they go to the Search page! It’s worth paying attention to help you with ASO in Japan.

So with that in mind, let’s check out the top 6 keywords that made waves on the Discover panel between October 2, 2023 to October 6, 2023.
Keywords in “Discover” This Week
What keywords are in the Discover suggestions of the App Store in Japan this week?

*Further explanation regarding the keywords can be found at the end of this article.
Keyword Analysis and Findings
Dividing into Categories

Dividing the keywords into categories and relevant themes based on App Store categories, we came up with 9 divisions – utilities, entertainment, gaming, language and learning, travel, family and parenting, lifestyle, food and cooking, and online shopping.
Insight for this Week
Well noticed that most keywords are recurring in the list every week. This week, for a change, we’d like to highlight what are the keywords that’s new and explain to you some notable ones!
Something new this week
あんしんフィルター (Safety filter)
This could be related to content filtering or safety features, where you can filter to protect your children from inappropriate sites and harmful apps. This service seems to be a feature of the internet carriers in Japan and offering it as their USP.
ストレス発散 (Stress relief)
It just turned autumn, and in Japan, there’s a coined term called 秋うつ “aki utsu” or “autumn depression.” It’s usually starts when autumn starts, the daylight hours become shorter and it’s more gloomy, and a lot of Japanese people claim that they experience more sadness and stress during this season. This could be related as to why the term ストレス発散 (Stress relief) is showing up in Discover.
フリマ (Flea market)
Talking about chang of season in Japan,one change of season custom in Japan is 衣替え “koromogae,” which means “Seasonal Change of Clothing.” It is a Japanese custom usually conducted twice a year; around the first day of June and the first day of October. During these times, most Japanese people also throw away their unwanted clothes, or sell them to online flea markets. A few popular apps for secondhand item selling is PayPayフリマ (PayPay Flea Market), ラクマ楽天フリマアプリ (Rakuma - Rakuten Flea Market app), ヤフオク!(Yahoo Auction!), and Mercari: Buy and Sell Anything.
In the Keywords in Discover this week, we dived more into some Japanese culture and trends that could help us understand the Japanese mobile market even more. Next time, we’ll come back with more keywords to note and insights to share, so be sure to come check the ASO index Insights page regularly!
Understanding the Japanese Keywords This Week
October 2, 2023:
チューナー (Tuner) – This could be related to musical instrument tuning.
韓国語 勉強 (Korean language study) – Indicates an interest in learning the Korean language.
rpg – Likely refers to role-playing games.
献立 (Menu) – Possibly related to meal planning or recipes.
あんしんフィルター (Safe Filter) – This could be related to content filtering or safety features.
漢字 手書き 検索 (Kanji handwriting search) – Indicates interest in searching for kanji characters by handwriting.
October 3, 2023:
ストレス発散 (Stress relief) – Suggests interest in stress relief methods or apps.
天気予報 (Weather forecast) – Indicates an interest in checking the weather forecast.
フリマ (Flea market) – Possibly related to online flea market or secondh and shopping.
iq – Could be related to IQ testing or improving cognitive abilities.
ギター (Guitar) – Indicates an interest in guitar-related content or apps.
脱出ゲーム 新作 (New escape games) – Suggests an interest in new escape game releases.
October 4, 2023:
ディズニー (Disney) – Indicates an interest in Disney-related content or apps.
ゲーム (Game) – A general keyword related to games.
辞書 (Dictionary) – Indicates a need for a dictionary or translation app.
カウンター (Counter) – This keyword is less clear in its context.
時計 (Clock) – Possibly related to clock or time-related apps.
髪色 (Hair color) – Indicates an interest in hair coloring or related content.
October 5, 2023:
脳トレ (Brain training) – Suggests an interest in brain-training apps or games.
赤ちゃん (Baby) – Indicates an interest in baby-related content or apps.
クロスワード (Crossword) – Likely related to crossword puzzle games.
旅行 (Travel) – Indicates an interest in travel-related content or planning.
コラージュ (Collage) – Possibly related to photo collage apps.
ポケモン (Pokémon) – Indicates an interest in Pokémon-related content or games.
October 6, 2023:
小説 (Novel) – Indicates an interest in reading novels or novel-related apps.
みゅーじっく (Music) – Likely related to music or music-related apps.
vr – Suggests an interest in virtual reality (VR) content or experiences.
qrコード (QR code) – Indicates an interest in apps or tools related to QR codes.
目覚まし (Alarm clock) – Likely related to alarm clock apps or features.
証明写真 (ID photo) – Suggests an interest in apps or services for taking ID photos.
Source: weekly keywords at asoindex.io by Jamie