Slovakian games made €77 million in 2022
In 2022, 66 game companies in Slovakia collectively generated €77 million EUR in turnover and employed over 1,080 developers. While these are impressive figures, they were slightly down from the €80 million turnover recorded in 2021. The Slovak Game Developers Association released these figures, indicating that the share of top-performing companies' turnover relative to other game makers only declined by 2%. The number of creators and companies in the industry remained comparable to the previous year.
These numbers are positive news for the industry, especially as it navigates a post-Covid period and adjusts to normal growth after experiencing significant gains during the pandemic.
In terms of platforms, PC remained the most popular platform for game development, accounting for over 72% of the games developed, while mobile stood as the second-most popular platform at 31.8%. Notably, Pixel Federation was identified as the largest game developer in Slovakia based on headcount.
The top ten game companies in Slovakia by turnover are as follows:
Pixel Federation
Inlogic Software
PowerPlay Studio
Nine Rocks Games
Blue Brain Games
Games Farm
The Slovakian game development industry remains primarily domestic, and despite facing Covid-related challenges, it has proven resilient. However, the survey conducted by the SGDA revealed that foreign talent could become more relevant in the market, with over 45% of respondents indicating they currently employ foreign talent and plan to hire more in the future.
While PC gaming has been historically popular among Eastern European developers, the rise of mobile gaming is evident in Slovakia as well. Mobile game development and releases are becoming increasingly popular choices for developers in the region.
Source: Iwan Morris, Staff Writer at PocketGamer