Spotlight, the Leading Mobile Game Advertising Platform, Is Now Called Gamelight
Firstly, it’s not called Spotlight any more. From now on you’ll be dealing with Gamelight, following a major rebrand.
Gamelight is growing rapidly, adding new features and tools all the time, so we thought this would be a good moment to make sure you’re up to speed.
For the uninitiated, Gamelight was Initially launched by Germany-based mobile game developer and publisher LOUD Ventures, a company whose previous titles have reached the top 10 highest-grossing and free app rankings in more than 30 countries.
Those countries include major markets like the US, the UK, Germany, and France.

So how does it work?
According to Gamelight co-founder Günay, “Gamelight’s algorithm analyzes users’ playtime, engagement, competitor game usage and demographics data to identify users with the highest likeliness of long-term engagement on our partners’ games.”
Fellow co-founder Florian adds, “We have exclusive access to the said data points, whichputs us in a clear advantage over other UA sources that are simply connected to third party apps.”
Gamelight also utilizes a unique rewarded playtime system, which sees players earning points based on how long they play for. Effectively a loyalty program, this system has proven enormously effective at creating a devoted playerbase.
The platform targets features like age, gender, competitor games, and lookalikes to offer bespoke recommendations to each player individually, while at the same time optimizing ad campaigns for the best possible ROAS and Retention Rate.
In fact, Gamelight boasts a 100% advertiser retention rate, with zero churn.

All of this functionality is available through an intuitive dashboard, currently being used by some of the largest mobile game publishers in the world.
This powerful tool gives advertisers total control over their UA campaigns and targeting preferences, while also providing vast datasets to help them make their next moves.
You can read more about the Gamelight dashboard and its unique features HERE.
To talk to one of Gamelight’s mobile game marketing experts, write to partners@gamelight.io.
Source: https://www.gamezebo.com