With a focus on its cross-platform vision, Netflix is currently in the development phase for close to 90 games
Netflix is gearing up to expand its gaming catalog, targeting nearly 90 games in development to double its titles on the subscription platform, reveals Mike Verdu, the VP of games at the entertainment giant. In a blog post, Verdu shared the launch of 40 games this year, including noteworthy titles like Football Manager 24 Mobile and the eagerly anticipated Grand Theft Auto Trilogy - The Definitive Edition. As the year concludes, Netflix is set to offer 86 games to its subscribers, with almost 90 more in the development pipeline.
"Playable on every device"
While Netflix's gaming endeavors have primarily concentrated on mobile platforms, Verdu emphasized the company's stride toward realizing its long-term vision of making games accessible on all devices. Netflix has initiated tests for games on TVs and computers in the US, UK, and Canada, with plans to expand this experience globally.
Enhanced curation and future releases
Verdu highlighted Netflix's recent update to games curation, introducing more personalized recommendations for subscribers—a strategy already implemented in its other entertainment offerings. Looking ahead to 2024, Netflix anticipates releasing several titles, including Cozy Grove: Camp Spirit, FashionVerse, Game Dev Tycoon, Sonic Mania Plus, and more. The company is also actively developing games based on its film and TV content, such as Rebel Moon and a new title centered around the immensely popular Squid Game IP.
Source: adapted from an article by Craig Chapple, Head of Content for PocketGamer.biz.